KIBLIND Magazine #86 [shipping to Europe]]
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KIBLIND Surprise #86
Born around the idea of a frog and a yogi on university benches, Kiblind Magazine has come a long way. To celebrate its 20th anniversary, Kiblind Magazine is treating itself to a "surprise" theme and, in an excess of ego - just the right amount, I'm sure you'll agree - a cover created from scratch by the KIBLIND creative team.
KIBLIND Surprise is :
A cover in 3 acts XXL toppings supplement
Stunning original designs
Data that takes the wind out of your sails
Interviews with adventurous artists
The joy of giving, the pleasure of receiving
Eye-opening discussions
Animations ready to pounce
Investigations in the land of concerts and Kinder Surprises
Recos, things to read, see and even eat
Shipment to metropolitan France
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