Eniko Katalin Eged
Enikő Katalin Eged wants nothing but the best for us. Witness her illustrations, where warm colors serve as a springboard for scenes where well-being and voluptuousness take center stage. The Hungarian artist, who studied at the Academia di Belle Arti in Rome and the Hungarian University of Fine Arts, never ceases to invite us into her peaceful or carnal moments of life, where nothing matters more than enjoying the present moment. Her delicate brushstrokes and gentle aesthetic are displayed in images that are as much comics as illustrations. Herein lies the other dynamic set in motion by Enikő Katalin Eged: making each drawing a space in which the narrative unfolds. Thus, by combining several elements and arranging them in such a way as to guide the eye within the mosaic, the Hungarian illustrator goes beyond the frozen image and creates a narrative of long time with multiplied spaces. Whether for her Azzuro Vellutto project or for the works she signs with her name, the magician Enikő Katalin Eged manages to immerse us in her world. And we can only praise her sense of hospitality.