Mathieu Surrel
This is Asia. A graphic artist and designer in his own right, Mathieu Surrel has got his feet wet in these enchanting countries, and uses his drawing skills to depict their urban nooks and crannies. Mathieu Surrel - who is also co-founder of the excellent Bourrage Papier festival - takes great pleasure in delighting us with these cityscapes, so familiar yet so strange. And if we plunge with him into these slender streets with their immense buildings, it's because the Lyonnais has mastered his line and his shading. Gargantuan perspectives and meticulous attention to detail are the hallmarks of these black-and-white images, freezing for all eternity the scenery that we know is in perpetual motion. The former student of the Université de Nîmes invites us on a wide-eyed stroll, for a low carbon footprint. Just follow the guide.