Alice Saey - Minuscule
This chic 21st century has placed precious technological tools in our hands. And when they allow us to make the narrative of an illustration even more powerful, then we don't sulk in our pleasure. The evolving collection here will bring together risographies that come to life as soon as you point them at them with your latest-generation cell phone. How is this possible? Thanks to a QR code of unrivalled discretion hidden inside each poster. A great way to impress the crowd of friends who come to visit you.
- Animated poster size A3 - 29,7 x 42 cm
- Munken Print White Paper 150g
- Risography printing by KIBLIND Workshop
In the beginning of animation was drawing. A drawing that Alice Saey wants to be striking, dreamlike and abundant. Barded with surreal colors, carried away by the poetry of the world and always admirably seductive, Alice Saey's work doesn't wait for her to manipulate it before already taking the cake. And yet, her goal is movement, the possibility of turning her images into dynamic whirlpools, her motifs into state-of-the-art hypnotic machines, her bestiaries into evocations of a still-vibrant Garden of Eden. The Rotterdamo-Paris-born artist adds a touch of humanity to her strong colors, visually impressive and marked by the flaws of a hand moved by a sensitive brain. Drawing above all else.